Shining Example

Dear Texoma Living!,

I recently moved south out of the Texoma area but I come back to visit family and friends as often as I can. My mother bought me a gift subscription to your magazine and I’m tickled to be getting it; it’s one more way to help me stay connected to my hometown. When I received the last issue, the anniversary issue, I was thrilled to read the article about Mr. Willie Riles. One of my memories of growing up is accompanying my father into town for lunch or shopping, and he’d always stop for a shine. It’s so nice to see that Mr. Riles is still at it and it’s even better to see that he’s been recognized as the treasured part of downtown that he is.

Karen McConnell

Editor: Many Texomans have taken a shine to Mr. Riles and count on seeing him everyday holding court on the sidewalk at Kelly Square. We’ll miss him when he finally retires.

This Letter to the Editor appeared in the Spring 2008 issue of Texoma Living!

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