Living Large in Small Spaces

Dreams come in all sizes. When it comes to homes we all like to dream big. But at a time when we are holding our dollars tighter it makes good sense to think smaller. This is particularly true when remodeling an existing home.

Filling the gap between desire and reality is just a matter of planning. Making every space do its part—living areas, kitchen, bedrooms, event storage areas—requires thinking how to make every inch count.

Becky and Mark Kline built their Whitewright home in 1979.  This past year Mark retired after thirty-seven years of teaching and coaching. Betsy retired from the VA after thirty years as a pharmacist

“For a while we considered building a new home, but finding the right land in Whitewright was a challenge,” said Becky. “My sister and her husband live just three doors down and we enjoy one another’s company, so moving out of the neighborhood wasn’t something we wanted to do.” Once the Klines started thinking about staying put and remodeling they knew the project would require some professional help.

“Our main need was to improve and expand the kitchen,” said Becky. The small, outdated kitchen was very inefficient and storage was at a premium. Before all was said and done the entire house was gutted and redesigned to accommodate a list of “must haves,” and “would like to haves.” In the end, the Klines re-appropriated space better suited to their current lifestyle and made use of a number of innovative storage solutions.

Here are some tips to working with small spaces

  • Furniture selection can have a big impact on a small space. “Float” the furniture in the middle of the room for better access from all sides. Consider built-ins where possible.
  • When choosing color for a small space, limit the palette and paint effects to keep the space from “shrinking.”
  • To make ceilings look higher, hang draperies at ceiling height rather than from the top of the window.

Find more tips from Interior Decorator Carol Davis.

Photos by Anne-Marie Shumate Lasting Images Photography

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